Morph Target support in the FBX import pipeline provides an easy method for getting morph targets for skeletal meshes from 3D applications into Unreal for use in games. You still have access to the animation data for each Morph Target via Curves.

However, when imported, the result will appear to be just a single Animation Sequence. This animation may use any number of Morph Targets to capture the full motion of the face. For instance, you could use Morph Targets in your animation package to animate a character speaking some dialog. This makes it very easy to import complex Morph Target animations into Unreal, since you can have any number of Morph Targets driving a single animation. Morph Targets can be imported into Unreal via FBX, and will be encapsulated within an Animation Sequence. In Unreal, you can blend the Morph Target to cause the character's face to make that expression.

For instance, you can take a character model, reshape their face to create a facial expression, and then save that edited version as a Morph Target. A Morph Target is a snapshot of vertex locations for a specific mesh that have been deformed in some way.